"Let the Tools do the Work"
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"Let the Algorithmic Tools do the Work"

"Leveraging the NinjaTrader Platform allows coders to efficiently produce more powerful AI and implement techniques more confidently and at a faster pace using .NET
than using other inferior
coding languages such as Python, Thinkscript, etc.

NinjaTrader paired with .NET allows full access
to the Operating System and
NinjaTrader's Internal Methods expose the powerful
Components to the Trading platform
to Create highly dynamic and top performing Algorithms
to enhance the Visual queues for discretionary trading with semi automated trading systems as well as very powerful and explicit, fully automated trading systems."

These are all great and major reasons we choose
Over all other Trading Platforms.

And THIS is why we have created this amazing:

Trade Room featuring ALGOBOX
Welcome Aboard!

Why we Choose NinjaTrader?
NinjaTrader has the builtin capabilities to create the most advanced trading algorithms
which includes
*Monte Carlo Simulation
Following Vinny's B.O.W. Methodology
& Coding Principles
Vinny Emini | Trader | Coder | Mentor
NinjaTrader EGI Algorithmic Day Trading Trade Room. 

Quant - Professional Trader & Mentor

Trade Room Risk Disclosure: http://bit.ly/20QYde4 

One of Vinny's core philosophies of life is K.I.S.S. Theory & Occam's Razor.  He also believes that sophisticated, successful systems that are developed must be elegant in nature.  Elegance is bred from magnificent simplicity.
Trading itself is complicated enough and the software and services that go with it are enough to manage without additional headaches of separate chats, rooms, etc.
Vinny's simple solution is to leverage what you already utilize in your daily routine:
STEP #1 - Subscribe
STEP #2 - Join the Google Community Group
STEP #3 - Download our Indicator Toolbox

Come drop in our FREE LIVE Trade Room and say hello and bring your questions.
LIVE Trade Room​


1 of 12 Free Strategy Training - Click to Play

Trade Room Risk Disclosure: http://bit.ly/20QYde4 
Cyborg Algorithmic Trading System
Some Examples Below | But There's More
& You'll Get Them Bundled!

Checkout Vinny's Famous Fib-Elliott Timing Confluence Algo
Used For Near Perfect Entries:
Here's a Few More for You to Checkout Below.
But There's Many More - See & Use Them All (Bundled)

Want to Learn All Vinny's Pro Trading Strategies​​
& How to Use These and Other Algos Included?
Start Learning for FREE!:

Want to Join Vinny in the LIVE Trade Room & ​​
​Chatting with other Members?
Start Chatting for FREE!:

Here's a Few More for You to Checkout Below.
But There's Many More - See & Use Them All (Bundled)

Our Vendors